An illumination installation of seemingly floating lights that create a fantastic afterimage, this work centers around an organically spiral-shaped rail construction on which a number of balls with built-in LEDs are rolling while blinking in different time intervals, resulting in spatial drawings of light particles in all kinds of shapes. The illumination's three-dimensional design, achieved through a fusion of the rail construct's characteristic features and communication control technology, takes on various appearances depending on the viewer's position. This installation combines generally entertaining ideas and sophisticated information technology in everything from LED devices and other hardware to programming.
'스페셜 리스트 > 미디어 아트' 카테고리의 다른 글
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미디어아트란? (0) | 2011.05.21 |
2011 크리에이터 프로젝트’ 컨퍼런스 개최 (0) | 2011.05.20 |
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